Category: Uncategorized

How often do you deal with it?

How often do you deal with this?

About a month ago, I facilitated a workshop for a women’s group in Charleston and the topic of Imposter Syndrome came up. Last week, I facilitated two sessions for Women In Defense, and imposter syndrome came up again. What exactly is it, and who does it impact?

Apparently, imposter syndrome was first written about in the 1970’s by psychologists Suzanna Imes and Pauline Rose Clance, and was thought to impact only high- achieving women. Subsequent research has found that 70% of us will experience it at some point in life, and it transcends gender, race, socio-economic status, skill level or degree of expertise. It’s a thing.

When talking with both groups about imposter syndrome, we discussed various ways to cope with imposter syndrome including being aware of and quieting the negative stories in your head. Negative self-talk, such as “I’m not enough”, “I can’t do this” and “No one listens to me” is not useful, yet is very common. Owning your achievements by understanding and appreciating who you are and what you have accomplished helps. Talking it out with a trusted friend, being sure not to compare yourself to others and watching how much social media you consume can all help to diminish imposter syndrome. How often do you deal with it?

Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships.”
— Stephen Covey
Worth The Share

Imposter Syndrome: Why You May Feel Like a Fraud, is an article from VeryWell Mind that provides a comprehensive overview of what imposter syndrome is and some solid ways to overcome it. The author, Arlin Cuncic, MA, breaks down imposter syndrome into five different types:

  1. The Perfectionist: believing that you are not as good as others might think you are
  2. The Expert: believing that you don’t know everything there is to know about the topic
  3. The Natural Genius: feeling like a fraud because you are not naturally intelligent or competent
  4. The Soloist: feeling like an imposter when you need to ask for help
  5. The Superperson: believing that you need to work harder than everyone else

While imposter syndrome can act as a motivator for some of us, for others it can cause anxiety and have a negative impact on our health and well-being. While it is not recognized as a mental health disorder, the anxiety it causes can be problematic. If  imposter syndrome is negatively impacting your life, you might want to seek help from a mental health professional.

And Finally...

When doing the workshop on Emotional Intelligence last week, we discussed Stress and the impact that it has on our lives. We all have stress, but the amount of stress is what matters. The Yerkes-Dodson Stress Performance Curve, from 1908, is worth considering. Too much stress leads to burn-out while too little stress impacts performance. Where do you fall on this scale?

When discussing this scale with an Executive Coaching client who is the president of his company, he shared that the company is having their best year yet, and are set up for a successful 2024 too. As a leader, he is thriving. Guess where he is on this scale? In optimum stress. Another client realized he has too little stress and is a bit bored. Where are you on this curve? Where do you want to be, and what can you do to make a shift?

Have a great week and a Happy Halloween!

Mary Jo

To learn more about my 1:1 executive, communication or business growth coaching, custom virtual workshops, the Career Transition program or just to connect, you can reach me at

How quickly do you?

How quickly do you?

How quickly do you trust another person? I would imagine that for most of us, it would depend on our life experiences.

According to Psychology Today, when addressing if most people can be trusted they wrote that “because motivations and responses vary widely across situations, it’s likely not possible to say whether or not most people can be trusted all of the time. However, the belief that most people are generally trustworthy, known as “generalized trust,” appears to be correlated with higher intelligence, better health, and overall life satisfaction.”

Trust is critically important in both our personal and professional lives. I am working with a team of four that lack trust in each other, and building back trust is hard. Trust matters for the long term and is consistent. Honoring commitments, respecting others, being vulnerable over time and giving others the benefit of the doubt all play a role. Trust is a key element of someone’s moral character. Trust is the foundational, non-negotiable aspect for teams in Patrick Lencioni’s classic book, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team. When you think about your most trusting professional relationships, what stands out for you?


Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships.”
— Stephen Covey
Worth The Share

There are many reasons that explain why organizational trust erodes. In their brand new book: Move Fast and Fix Things (a direct hit on Facebooks famous mantra: “move fast and break things”) authors Frances Frei and Anne Morriss discuss ten reasons that destroy organizational trust. Each relates to one of their three pillars of organizational trust: “that you care about them (empathy), that you can actually meet their needs or deliver on your promise (logic) and that you will do what you say you are going to do (authenticity).”

Aversion to making choices: This can be chronic in some organizations as they become watered down and lack focus. Trust Pillar: Logic Reliance on heroic employees: Not everyone is a is very driven and wants to work 24/7. Design work loads for real people with real lives. Trust Pillar: Logic Shiny object syndrome: Focusing on the next new thing can be very distracting for the organization as it follows the latest new idea or project, while losing focus on what matters. Trust Pillar: Authentic Disengaged middle management: When middle managers are overlooked by the leadership, not part of the solution and ground down by the realities of the business. Trust Pillar: Empathy
Casual relationship with other people’s time: This is a classic problem when managers waste their employees time with outdated software or unnecessary processes. Trust Pillar: Empathy

If you would like to read more, go to 10 Pitfalls that Destroy Organizational Trust or pick up a copy of their book.

And Finally...
To learn more about my 1:1 executive, communication or business growth coaching, custom virtual workshops, the Career Transition program or just to connect, you can reach me at

Last week I had the privilege of partnering with an industry colleague and friend, Deb Graham, on a full day workshop for 70+ human resource professionals at the South Carolina SHRM conference. Teresa Vaughn, another industry colleague and friend who is very involved in SHRM, gave us the opportunity. The topic was “The Art of the Shift: How to Successfully Lead Organizational Change”.

As I reflect back on the work we did, I am struck by the amount of trust that was involved at every level. Teresa trusted us to show up and deliver a compelling program, Deb and I trusted each other, that we do what we said we would do, and most importantly, the 70+ attendees trusted us with their precious time, with the hope that they would learn something new. The importance of trust abounds every day in our lives.

What can you do or change to show up as a more trustworthy person? Maybe be more consistent, readily admit when you are wrong, say what you mean and mean what you say, respect others, be vulnerable with others (which can build over time) and give them the benefit of the doubt.

Have a great week,

Mary Jo

How are you curious?

How are you curious?

The other day, I met a recruiter who works for a large, global company. She specializes in recruiting entry-level employees out of college or those with a newly minted MBA. We talked about confidence, and I shared how so many of my clients of all ages and levels of experience talk about their own lack of confidence. I was curious about what she has witnessed in her job as a recruiter. Her word…arrogance. She said it was a big problem with MBA graduates in particular.

From showing up with a lack of confidence to being too sure of yourself and showing up as arrogant, what is a good way to approach a high-stakes situation like applying for a job? I encourage you to try leaning into curiosity. Being curious is such a powerful tool!

“Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make
sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist.
Be curious. And however difficult life may seem, there is always something
you can do and succeed at.
It matters that you don’t just give up.”
— Stephen Hawking
Worth The Share

When I think about being curious, I think about being inquisitive or interested in something or someone. But when I started digging into the subject, I learned that it is not simply about being curious, but about answering the question: How are you curious?

There are five different types of curiosity, according to HBR’s series on why curiosity matters, and they run the gamut. Which of these five most resonate with you? If you are not sure, check out the article because it includes a quick assessment you can take.

  1. Deprivation Sensitivity: Those who need to solve a problem, or they will stay up all night thinking about it. They are coming from a place of deprivation.
  2. Joyous Exploration: Those who look around the world with a sense of wonder.
  3. Social Curiosity: Those who actively talk, listen and observe others to learn.
  4. Stress Tolerance: Those who “accept and even harness a level of anxiety”.
  5. Thrill Seeking: Those who take physical, social or financial risk.

The authors also correlate the different types of curiosity to work outcomes, stating that Social Curiosity and Stress Tolerance are particularly relevant. People who are socially curious are good for collaboration and building trust and cooperation, while those who can handle stress seek challenges, can manage limited resources and are not afraid to speak up.

Take a minute and check out: The Five Dimensions of Curiosity

And Finally...

One of my current clients is a fairly new manager at a tech start-up that has a couple of hundred employees. They are a disrupter, and doing quite well as they have quickly pivoted to adjust to the changing marketplace.

“Brad” has mentioned his own lack of confidence over a dozen of times on our calls. We just reviewed his 360 report, and it was impressive. He is committed to his team and their professional development. He is passionate about his own professional development. On every measure he seems to be doing very well, so how come he lacks confidence?

By reframing his lack of confidence, and leaning into curiosity, Brad has been able to approach things differently. Try it. Next time you don’t feel confident, maybe try to be curious instead. See how it works for you.

Have a great week,

Mary Jo

To learn more about my 1:1 executive, communication or business growth coaching, custom virtual workshops, the Career Transition program or just to connect, you can reach me at

Are you open to learning?

How resilient are you?

A funny thing happened to me the other day. I was in a class to dig deeper into the fifteen skills that make up emotional intelligence and the EQ-i, and I was paired up with “Virginia”, a really cool woman who worked for the FAA.

We talked briefly about our careers and I mentioned that I was a former national sales manager for almost 20 years, and a happy IC before that (individual contributor). She said “wow, you must be really resilient”, and shared her respect for sales people. In her experience, sales professionals are fairly optimistic people and yes, resilient. Virginia went on to confess that she is not a very resilient person.

I never thought of myself as especially resilient but digging into the skills that impact emotional and social functioning of the EQ-i, optimism is defined as “an attitude and an outlook on life. It involves remaining hopeful and resilient, despite occasional setbacks”.

How resilient are you?

“I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it.”
— Maya Angelou
Worth The Share

In this article, written by Kendra Cherry, MSEd, the author does a good job of providing an overview of resilience – the types of resilience such as mental or physical, the causes of personality traits that help us remain “unflappable in the face of challenge”, the impact of having resilience and how to become more resilient.

She also shared that people who are resilient have a set of characteristics that include:

  • A survivor mentality – knowing you can make it through tough situations
  • Effective emotional regulation – the ability to manage emotions in the face of stress
  • Feeling in control – feeling that our actions play a part in determining outcomes
  • Problem solving skills – looking rationally at a situation and coming up with options
  • Self-compassion – the ability to treat yourself with kindness, especially when it is difficult
  • Social support – having a solid network and being able to ask for help

Read: How Resilience Helps You Cope With Life’s Challenges including the tips on how to bounce back from hardship, they are also quite useful. My favorite technique is “reframing”, something I talk about often with my coaching clients.

And Finally...

Building on the importance of social support when it comes to resilience, The Secret of Building Resilience from HBR stresses the importance of social networks.

In June 2023, the Roots of Loneliness project, with their own research and pulling data from a variety of other sources, reports that 52% of adults in America feel lonely. Social networks   are critical – whether it is a group at work, a special interest group for your profession, a service group like Rotary, a networking group like BNI or a church group. My various social groups are very important to my personal growth and feeling of connectedness.

According to the article, our networks can help us learn to make sense of the world, see the path forward, advocate for ourselves, show empathy, laugh more, remind us of our “why” and broaden our perspective. As we all go “back to school” this September, what can you do to strengthen your resilience? What social group can you join?

Happy a great week,
Mary Jo

To learn more about my 1:1 executive, communication or business growth coaching, custom virtual workshops, the Career Transition program or just to connect, you can reach me at

Are you open to learning?

Are you open to learning?

One of my favorite things to talk about is management versus leadership. On Monday, a
client was sharing his framework of how he handles things when they unravel. Stress is
a part of our lives, and for this client who is in a highly visible sales management role,
stress is constant. That is both a challenge and opportunity.

Obviously, being in “stress mode” as I like to call it, makes many of us behave badly. We stop listening, are difficult to be around, are unable to support others and make
decisions reactively, and often poorly. To my client’s credit, his framework to handle
situations that are unraveling is fairly solid, and it seems to work for him. The problem is
that it works for him as a manager and not as a leader.

After talking about it for a while, he shared an insight that as a leader he should “seek
first to understand, rather than be understood” from the book, The Seven Habits of
Highly Successful People. Another way to think about it is to slow down, ask questions
and listen to what others are saying before jumping in with both feet to solve the
problem. Better yet, think about how to inspire others to step up and solve the problem.
When in stressful situations, pause and think about how you might address the situation
as a leader, and not simply as a manager. Ask yourself the question: What would a
leader do?


You manage things, you lead people. We went overboard on management and forgot about leadership. It might help if we ran the MBAs out of Washington.

Grace Hopper, Computer Scientist, Mathematician, US Navy Rear Admiral
Worth The Share

In this article from Chief Executive, the author, former CEO Jay Sidhu, addresses the subject of leadership versus management. In Essential Lessons for Leadership, he said that “leaders must:

  1. have a clear vision, mission, goals and strategic plan to achieve those goals with alignment throughout the organization;
  2. master their internal environment through authentic self-assessment of strengths and areas for improvement;
  3. master their external environment, i.e., how are the economy, competition, and customer needs, etc., changing and impacting performance; and
  4. be passionate about continual improvement.”

The fourth bullet point really struct home with me as an executive coach. Beyond building a personal board of directors that he met with frequently, and taking leadership development programs, it sounds like he remained intentional about his own personal and professional development throughout his career. He also spoke about “understanding your strengths and weaknesses”, learning more about himself and being open to change. Read the full article for more insights.

And Finally...

Summer is winding down and the busy Fall season is already ramping up. As you look ahead to the next few months, what are you focused on? Better question, what is one area in yourself that you want to develop to become a better leader?

Attending to your personal and professional development is your responsibility. It is
never to late to learn something new. Learning, even later in life, has tremendous benefits including an increase in self-esteem, cognition, memory, and a sense of accomplishment. Plus, learning is critical for your brain health.

Maybe take an online course, read a book, try an improv class, take up the guitar or
work with someone who will challenge you, like an executive or life coach. But before
you do that, enjoy these last days of summer.

Happy Labor Day,
Mary Jo

To learn more about my 1:1 executive, communication or business growth coaching, custom virtual workshops, the Career Transition program or just to connect, you can reach me at

How open are you to change?

How open are you to change?

Change is hard. I partner with many professionals who are aware of the things they want to change in themselves. Of course, some of us are more open and aware than others.

One tool that I use to bring clarity to skill level and how we show up is the EQ-i 2.0 and EQ360, one of the world’s most widely used emotional intelligence tests. With 25+ years of research behind it, the EQ-i 2.0 offers clients clarity around various emotional intelligence skills that are critical to how they see themselves and the world, how they resolve conflict, build teams, lead effectively, build relationships and resilience.

What is most helpful to clients is that the EQ-i 2.0 provides a powerful assessment of their areas of strength and potential areas for development. The EQ360 incorporates feedback from their manager, peers, direct reports, other colleagues, and family members, so it provides an even more comprehensive picture and is very useful in a business setting. How open are you to change?


It is easier to resist at the beginning than at the end.

Leonardo da Vinci
Worth The Share

Personal change is tough. Convincing others to change can feel impossible. I am thrilled to welcome back Deb Graham, who shares with us how to uncover and mitigate resistance in the workplace. Here is her article, Unmasking Resistance: Unlocking the Secrets to Successful Change…

Have you ever experienced that frustrating moment when you’re ready to embark

on an exciting journey, only to find your partner dragging their feet? Well, it’s not just a personal phenomenon – resistance can rear its head in various aspects of our lives, including the workplace. You’ve likely seen one or more of these subtle forms of resistance. What makes them so challenging to identify is that they can be easily explained away.

The Deceptive Smile and Nod:
Picture this: you present your groundbreaking idea, and your colleagues nod along, seemingly agreeing with you. However, these nods might not necessarily translate into genuine agreement. More often than not, they simply indicate that your message has been heard, while the actual buy-in is still lacking.

The Elusive Follow-Through:
You’ve managed to secure apparent agreement from your team, but progress remains stagnant. They constantly find excuses for not taking action, claiming they’re too busy or promising to do it later. But you wonder, are they legit busy or simply waiting you out?

The Absent Attendees:
Frequently missing or cancelling meetings about the change may be a sign of resistance. When individuals fail to show up it may be an indication that they are intentionally avoiding participation. If your boss frequently reschedules, she may be signaling that it’s not really a priority.

The Vocal Complainers and Confronters:
Sometimes, resistance takes a more overt form, with individuals openly complaining or confronting the proposed changes. While these expressions of discontent can be challenging, they provide valuable insight into the reasons behind the resistance. By engaging in open dialogue and active listening, it becomes possible to understand the concerns and discuss options that everyone can get behind.

Perhaps the most treacherous aspect of resistance is its ability to remain concealed. Just because no one is explicitly talking about it doesn’t mean everyone is committed to the change. Unaddressed resistance festers and becomes deeply entrenched, posing a significant obstacle to successful change implementation. Instead of persistently pushing forward, taking a step back and engaging in meaningful dialogue can work wonders. By asking questions, actively listening, and genuinely understanding the perspectives of others, we can diminish emotional resistance and identify logical hurdles that require course correction.

And Finally...

Deb’s advice, at the end of the above article is music to my ears… “asking questions and actively listening” is something I frequently advocate when coaching clients or facilitating workshops. Here is another technique to consider. Be curious!

When we open up our minds rather then close them off to the possibility, when we are really

curious and interested in “genuinely understanding the perspectives of others”, the magic truly happens.

The next time you are in a conversation with someone, approach it with a sense of curiosity… you may be surprised by what you learn.

Happy summer,
Mary Jo

To learn more about my 1:1 executive, communication or business growth coaching, custom virtual workshops, the Career Transition program or just to connect, you can reach me at

What is the best for you?

What is the best for you?

I am curious about the struggles between back to work versus the continued push by many team members to work remotely. The other day a client was communicating how much he wanted his entire team back in the office five days a week (while his CEO is fine with their hybrid schedule). Apparently, he is not alone. The WSJ just published this article: Mondays are the new office fight.

Here are some stats*:

  • On the Monday before Memorial Day, the office occupancy rate was at 45% of pre-pandemic levels,
  • On the same Monday in 2022, the rate was 41% rate for those in the office
  • On the Tuesday before Memorial Day this year, 58% went to their offices that day

We are still a long way from going back to pre-Covid levels. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays are the biggest days in the office for hybrid offices, as evidenced by traffic patterns in many cities. Apparently there is also a movement afoot on social media, calling for “bare-minimum Mondays”… an easing in of the work week rather than jumping back to work after the weekend.

A company I work with is losing a really strong senior leader for the opposite reason. This leader wants to be around people all the time, just like in 2019, so he decided to leave this company with a hybrid work schedule and go back to the office five days a week. Another former client is fully remote and while she likes her co-workers, she said she is not engaged in the company and does not see staying there long. Could that be because she is fully remote?

What is the best situation for you and your company?

*According to according to Kastle Systems, which tracks security badge swipes into buildings across major U.S. cities.


The real competitive advantage in any business is one word only, which is “people”.

Kamil Toume, Writer and thought leader
Worth The Share

Digging a bit deeper into the remote work world, as it exists today, I found two competing lists of the best remote companies to work for.

Forbes published the Top 30 Rankings from Flexjobs, and only included jobs that are fully remote, with no restrictions of city, state or region. They also talked about the growth of remote jobs in finance and marketing.

I confess, I am unfamiliar with many of these companies, including their top picks Wikemedia FoundationProtocol Labs and Kraken. Check out their full list HERE.

Indeed, the online search firm, published a very different list called 20 of the Best Remote Work Companies in 2023. On this list you’ll find several tech and blue-chip companies including Microsoft, Intuit, Meta, Johnson&Johnson, and SAP. Each company’s listing includes a Work Happiness Score and a Flexibility Score. If you are in the job market, and want to be fully remote, check them out.

And Finally...

If people really are our competitive advantage, and we are living in a world that is dealing with fully remote, hybrid and only in-office options, how do you reconcile that with yourself, your leadership team and your employees?

What about the manufacturing company where the plants are open 24/7 or the retailer who has stores that need to be staffed nights and weekends? What do those corporate offices do?

Leadership is about being calm and consistent, establishing a plan and inspiring others with your vision for the company. This yo-yo that many companies and teams are facing about remote work is a big challenge. Shall we go back full time? Shall we stay hybrid? Can we convince our teams to come back into the office on Mondays? Can I get that employee back in the office when I hired her to be fully remote?

IMHO, Put a stake in the ground and stick with it. “In any team sport, the best teams have consistency and chemistry” said Roger Staubach. Be consistent…and then build chemistry.

Have a fabulous July 4th Holiday,
Mary Jo

To learn more about my 1:1 executive, communication or business growth coaching, custom virtual workshops, the Career Transition program or just to connect, you can reach me at

You Never Know

You Never Know

Speaking with a former client the other day, I was so inspired by her story that I asked her permission to share it.

Can you imagine, successfully changing careers twice because you did your job? Michelle was working in retail when she made some calls for a customer who was looking for a specific product. The next day, his human resources executive called Michelle at work. Apparently, her customer was the CEO of a real-estate developer and wanted Michelle to interview for a role selling townhomes in his new development. He was impressed by her and her level of customer service. She got the job.

While in her new role selling real-estate, Michelle sold a townhome to a woman who required an extreme amount of patience. This woman went to contract three different times on three different townhomes before finally closing on the third townhome. She then asked Michelle if she would be interested in working for her insurance company, where she was the Chief People Officer. She was impressed by Michelle’s patience and calm demeanor, as she changed her mind time and time again.

Fast forward, while in her new role as an insurance broker (yes, she got that job too), Michelle found a sponsor in the insurance industry who has been instrumental in Michelle’s career. Three companies and many promotions later, Michelle is a now a high ranking executive at a major insurance company.

When I asked Michelle about her key to success, she said it was her ability to “get to know the person, focus on what matters to them and be real”. IMHO, being fully present in every interaction matters, as does truly connecting with others. You never know!


This is one of my all time favorite quotes.

People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

Maya Angelou

Worth The Share

Do you have a sponsor or two? We often talk about mentors, and many of us have business or executive coaches, but do you have a sponsor? It continually surprises me that most of my clients are unfamiliar with the concept of having a sponsor.

While a mentor shares experiences, offers moral support, listens and might share advice, a sponsor is an advocate, someone who intentionally brings up your name when you are not in the room. Someone who says, “what about Michelle” for a stretch assignment or when talking about a bigger job or promotion is a sponsor.

In this article, What Great Sponsors Do Differently, the authors talk about the relationship from the perspective of the sponsor and share six tips which I have included below. What strikes me about this list is that it is the ideal scenario. In a fast paced business world, the most important role of the sponsor is that the sponsor acts on behalf of the sponsee (#3) by promoting them to other high level executives. Sometimes we have sponsors, and are not even aware that they are advocating for us and our work.

If you are a sponsor, and have a formal structure to your sponsor/sponsee relationship, here are some tips to maximize it. Great sponsors:

  1. Show up – they attend regularly scheduled meeting and respect the time of their sponsee.
  2. Are patient and without judgement – and invest in really understanding their sponsee.
  3. Act outside the one-on-one meetings with their sponsees – and advocate for their professional growth with assignments and promotions.
  4. Seek out relevant information transparently – to better know and understand their sponsee.
    Offer feedback and provide psychological safety – and are candid while providing a welcoming space to talk, listen and learn.
  5. Talk to each other about sponsorship – and the impact sponsoring has on the organization as a whole.

Check out What Great Sponsors Do Differently to learn more.

And Finally...

As we think about unexpected opportunities like what Michelle experienced twice in her career, or sponsors who actively advocate for us, I have to ask: How are you paying it forward? Who are you mentoring or sponsoring?

A few months ago, a dear friend sent me a book that resonated with me. Give and Take, by Adam Grant, sheds light on the powerful

impact of helping others. He talks about Givers, Matchers and Takers. One of my favorite quotes from the book: “It’s the givers, by virtue of their interest in getting to know us, who ask us the questions that enable us to experience the joy of learning from ourselves”. Check out Give and Take for some true inspiration.

Not surprisingly, Michelle currently makes time to pay it forward by sponsoring colleagues, mentoring a new manager and leading an internal coaching circle of eight women from around the country.

Are you sponsoring, mentoring or coaching others at your company or in your professional sphere? If not, no matter what stage you are at in your career, now is the perfect time to start!

Have a great week.
Mary Jo

To learn more about my 1:1 executive, communication or business growth coaching, custom virtual workshops, the Career Transition program or just to connect, you can reach me at

Is this shift affecting you?

Is this shift affecting you?

The other day, I heard from a former client of a large tech company that I coached for six-months. Dave, a senior sales leader in his organization, reached out because he was recently job eliminated. In fact, all of the sales leaders in the organization were eliminated regardless of performance. That was especially hard to take since he is a high-performer.

Of course, being laid off today is not surprising since there have been over 144,540 layoffs in tech as of May 19,2023 in addition to more than 93,000 tech layoffs in 2022 according to Crunchbase News. And that’s just tech! When we spoke, Dave remained optimistic, while also being practical about the current realities. All of a sudden, after years where companies were frantically hiring, they have put the brakes on. An article in the WSJ over the weekend entitled 9 Rounds of Interviews and No Call Back and podcast, The Disappearing White-Collar Job, share personal stories and the reasons for the dramatic shift. Companies are being cautious, taking more time to hire and being more selective. Technology is having a big impact, with AI eliminating jobs. And companies are also being being squeezed for profits with higher interest rates, so they are looking to cut costs.

What does this mean if you are out of work and need to get a job? Be aggressive in your search, use your network and stay positive. Reach out to a career coach if you need support. You may also not want to be too picky if in fact you need to get out of the rain.


Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.

Thomas A. Edison

My former partner at a communications company we launched in NYC was a theatre director. Ellie Heyman often spoke about “business speak” and how it gets in the way of communication. I agree.

On the lighter side of all the job-elimination news out there, this refreshing opinion piece

from Fast Company breaks down some of the prevalent business speak we hear today – in job descriptions and in-person communication.

Written by Whitney Posterick, it shines a light on the absurdity of it all. Her point is that jargon filled job descriptions turn off potential employees. She focuses on stakeholder, cross-functional and multi-level marketing in her piece. I would add to that, the acronyms that companies use ad nauseam such as KPI, SEM, POC, TOFU, MOFU and BOFU.

Take a minute a check out Want to hire someone creative? Don’t do any of these things, and please, take the author’s advice to heart.

And Finally...

We just got back from a very relaxing two-week vacation. I was able to send my last email while away thanks to Cheryl at Virtually All. Thank you Cheryl!

Two things I did differently this year were so obvious, it is surprising that I have not tried them in the past, especially since they made a huge difference.

  1. I totally detached. Putting my out of office on, and letting go of the day to day was so healthy. I confess, I did scan emails a couple of times, but overall I honored my time away. What a difference it made in my ability to relax.
  2. I was fully present. In the past, while relaxing with my husband on vacation, I often asked the question “Where shall we go next?”. How dumb is that? Being in a beautiful place, learning new things, and meeting new people is such a joy for me, why did I try to minimize it and focus on the future rather than the present? Vacation season is upon us. Whether you take a day or a week, have a staycation or go someplace fabulous, I hope you detach and take the opportunity to be fully present.

Have a great week.
Mary Jo

To learn more about my 1:1 executive, communication or business growth coaching, custom virtual workshops, the Career Transition program or just to connect, you can reach me at

What is getting in the way?

What is getting in the way?

Recently, I have been doing a lot of work around presentation and communication skills with very senior executives who want to elevate or polish their skills, to professionals who are really challenged with how they communicate and present, especially when presenting to upper management.

Effective communication is especially important for those in leadership and management roles, but it is also critical for our ability to advance within any organization. Yet, it is very rarely “taught”. One of my new clients, who is investing in someone on his team with a series of twelve executive coaching sessions, said he tried to teach his direct report how to improve, but found himself ill-equipped to make an impact.

There are dozens of tools and techniques to become a more effective communicator. One of my favorites is to be more of yourself, more authentic. Develop your own unique communication style and start to become hyper aware of your own communication ticks or bad habits. When in doubt, tape record and/or video tape yourself. What needs improvement? What is getting in the way of becoming a more effective communicator?


Your ability to communicate is an important tool in your pursuit of your goals, whether it is with your family, your co-workers or your clients and customers.

Les Brown, Author

The other day, there was an essay in the Wall Street Journal entitled: Our Hesitations in Speech Are Much More Than Filler. Written by Dr. Fridland who is a professor of Linguistics at the University of Nevada, Reno, she studied when people use um and uh in speech, referring to them as filled pauses.

What she learned is that people use um or uh when they are deciding between competing

word options, formulating what they want to say, signaling that your brain is processing what to say and giving them time to think. She also mentioned other research from the 90s on um and uh that shows the two “words” are used in different contexts, um to signal a longer pause and uh for a shorter pause.

But here’s the thing: so what? All of Dr. Fridland’s research and conclusions are rooted in the study of linguistics, which is all quite interesting, BUT when talking about effective communication, um and uh are a big challenge for the listener. Using them is a habit, and with effort, you can eliminate the use of um, uh, like, so or any other filler word.

In fact, pausing is far better than hearing filler words that add no value. When you do not know what word to choose or want to give the listener time to process what you are saying, PAUSE. It will make you sound infinitely more polished and professional. Filler words are distracting, they dilute the message and make the audience work harder to hear what the speaker is actually trying to say.

And Finally...

I was working with one of my clients who is under a lot of pressure with a new manager. His speech was articulate and thoughtful until he started talking about his new boss, then his speech was peppered with um. His stress was showing up in his word choice and all of a sudden he no longer sounded confident and polished.

Outside the world of linguistics, I strongly believe that we should work to eliminate filler words from our speech to be a more effective communicator. What is the filler word you use all the time? If you don’t know, record yourself. Increase your awareness about what you are saying, then every time you use a filler word, take a drink or snap a rubber band on your wrist. Be intentional about breaking the habit. Your listeners will thank you.

Have a great week.
Mary Jo

To learn more about my 1:1 executive, communication or business growth coaching, custom virtual workshops, the Career Transition program or just to connect, you can reach me at