What is your word?

What is your word?

2023 is here, whether you are ready or not. One of the most valuable things I have been doing at the beginning of the year is to come up with my word for the year. Last year, my word was “impact”. It helped to center me when I was going in too many different directions.

Over the past week, here are two of the words for the year that I heard: Hope from a single mom who is thinking about a career change; Growth is the word of the year for a small business owner who focused on personal, spiritual and financial growth. My word for 2023 is Connect, and to connect in a deeper, more meaningful way.


Kind words can be short and easy to speak,
but their echoes are truly endless.

Mother Teresa

Worth the Share

What better way to start a new year than to think about how our thoughts and emotions impact our health? This article from the University of Minnesota has dozens of terrific insights. Some you know (and possibly ignore) and some may be new to you. Here are a few of my favorites.

  • Since we are wired for negativity bias, we “prioritize bad over good”
  • Chronic stress damages the immune system and can actually decrease our life span
  • Positive feelings, such as being connected to others, has a direct impact on health and well-being
  • Positivity can lead to fewer colds, better sleep, and faster recovery from cardiovascular stress
  • A practice of forgiveness is linked to better immune function and a longer life span

Take a minute to read the entire article and take the positivity self-test. I scored a 3.33. What’s your score and what does it mean?

How Do Thoughts and Emotions Affect Health?

And Finally…

Have you taken a few minutes to reflect on 2022? Have you written down personal and professional goals for 2023? A dear friend of mine who is a professional development coach, shared with me his PowerPoint presentation for his 2023 plan. Wow, was it impressive.

While I have not created a full-blown presentation, I have a format I use each year where I REFLECT on the previous year, DREAM about the future, set specific and measurable GOALS for the new year and SCHEDULE time to be and do things beyond coaching and facilitating workshops.

Wishing you and yours a very Happy New Year filled with joy, gratitude, growth, time for reflection, and lots of laughter.

And hopefully, the time to fully connect.


Mary Jo

To learn more about my 1:1 executive, communication or business growth coaching, custom virtual workshops, the Career Transition program or just to connect, you can reach me at [email protected]