How Effective is Your Communication?

A client said the other day, “I hate repeating myself. I have no patience for it, and so I don’t like to do it”. When you say something that the other person does not understand, you have a communication problem. The goal with all communication is effective communication – it moves both parties to connect, […]
How Do You Use Your Time?

“Today, I’d like to talk about time management”. This is a common topic in coaching because we live in a society that values busyness. I did a newsletter on the topic a few months ago and many of you sent notes about how it resonated with you. One of my clients, who is a smart, […]
How Optimistic Are you?

When I studied to become certified in Emotional Intelligence, I was surprised to learn that optimism is considered a key skill associated with stress management. What does optimism have to do with the ability to manage stress? When we take a step back, it is easy to understand. Optimism is having a “positive outlook and […]
Let’s celebrate some progress.

As we close out Women’s History Month, I am reflecting on the topic and what it means for business.
Leadership in action is… ?

Leadership in action is a marvel to watch.
Last Saturday, I had the privilege of partnering with my client who is a phenomenal leader. Greeting his team, …
Have you built it?

One of my favorite questions to ask clients, relative to their professional life, is “How do you want to be seen?” or “How might you describe your professional or personal brand?”.
How fast do you think?

Earlier this week, I met a new client. He’s quite accomplished, says he is very self-aware, and intentional about his leadership style. His career is moving along nicely and his next assignment will fulfill a long term dream of his.
Have you thought about the type of leader you are?

I am a student of leadership. First of all, I love the concept of inspiring, developing, and challenging others while imagining and driving towards a future state. But mostly, the dynamism of leadership and the continual advancement that takes place in the study of leadership challenges me to stretch and grow myself as new facets of leadership are advanced.
What is your best time of day?

When talking with clients about various topics such as work-life balance, productivity, stress management, meeting management, or overall exhaustion, the discussion often morphs into one about time, and how we effectively manage it or not.
How deeply do you connect?

Currently, I am coaching a few engineers and other professionals who are on a journey to learn how to better connect with people. While that might sound peculiar, not everyone has the innate talent to strike up a genuine conversation with new people.