You Never Know

Speaking with a former client the other day, I was so inspired by her story that I asked her permission to share it.
Can you imagine, successfully changing careers twice because you did your job? Michelle was working in retail when she made some calls for a customer who was looking for a specific product.
Is this shift affecting you?

The other day, I heard from a former client of a large tech company that I coached for six-months. Dave, a senior sales leader in his organization, reached out because he was recently job eliminated. In fact, all of the sales leaders in the organization were eliminated regardless of performance. That was especially hard to take since he is a high-performer.
What is getting in the way?

Recently, I have been doing a lot of work around presentation and communication skills with very senior executives who want to elevate or polish their skills, to professionals who are really challenged with how they communicate and present, especially when presenting to upper management.ll
How much do you have today?

Building on the topic of change from two weeks ago, it strikes me how constant change is and yet, many things never change.
On April 17th, the Wall Street Journal did a “Journal Report on C-Suite Strategies”. The topic? “Thanks. Why it’s important to show gratitude at work – what’s the best way to do it” (tiered subscription)
What is your plan?

Last week, a client spoke passionately about their personal development, especially since they were in a new role. Taking time to intentionally think about what you are doing to grow professionally, and then consistently acting on it, matters.
Are you guilty of busyness?

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of meeting a new client who joined our call in a whirlwind of frenzy. She said she might preform better if she could do more with less time, and referred to her “run on the bullet train”. Can you relate?
How can you do it?

Over the years, I have heard that you can’t motivate someone else, that motivation is intrinsic to the person. Yet, one of my clients asked me to create and facilitate a workshop on topic of motivation, so I happily took on the challenge. In the process, I learned a lot.
Are you a leader?

I often talk with clients about the difference between management and leadership, and most can clearly articulate those differences. Management is about executing or getting things done while leaders focus on motivating and inspiring people.
What is holding you back?

2023 is here, whether you are ready or not. One of the most valuable things I have been doing at the beginning of the year is to come up with my word for the year. Last year, my word was “impact”. It helped to center me when I was going in too many different directions.
What makes meetings so dreadful?

2023 is here, whether you are ready or not. One of the most valuable things I have been doing at the beginning of the year is to come up with my word for the year. Last year, my word was “impact”. It helped to center me when I was going in too many different directions.