Month: December 2021

It is time to reflect

It is time to reflect

The other day, another executive coach asked a few of us: “What is something that you learned about yourself this year?” And as a follow-up: “ How might that learning impact what you do differently in 2022? ”.

These are both great questions to reflect on. As we wind down 2021, take a moment to think about the past year. One of my favorite questions that I ask myself regularly is: “What do I want more of in my life?” And the opposite: “What do I want less of in my life”.

We are all moving so fast. Take a couple of hours to reflect. Change your location by going outside to the beach or a park, or sitting in a coffee shop, and answer those questions. Then think about your goals and maybe something you want to let go of in 2022. Write it down. You will be glad you did!


Reflective thinking turns experience into insight.

John C. Maxwell

Worth the Share

As you think back on 2021, think about your work. Are you a stressed out people manager? In just the last year, the burnout for people managers increased from 28% in 2020 to 35% in 2021.

This research from Gallup is upsetting to read but not surprising – with the ongoing global pandemic, supply-chain shortages, remote work, new Covid variants, rising inflation, political unrest etc., we are living though very challenging times. This affects us and the people we manage at work. As I am sure you have heard, mental health issues are at an all time high and there is a record number of us quitting our jobs.

This article highlights the challenge and provides some ideas. The first thing is recognize this is a real issue that could be affecting you and your team(s) and put energy and resources behind addressing it. Read on to learn more.

To learn more about the power of music, read Why Music Is The Essential Ingredient.

And Finally...

Personally, I am going to take some time to reflect on the past year and what I want more of in 2022. One thing I know, I want more group coaching, 1:1 coaching and the ability to create and deliver custom workshops. It fires me up. If you know anyone who might want to learn more, reach out. Recommendations are appreciated.

And finally, it is the Christmas season. I will be taking off the last two weeks of December and will be back in touch in January.

Enjoy the Holiday Season with family and friends. Take time to reflect.

Sending you my best,

Mary Jo

To learn more about my 1:1 executive, communication or business growth coaching, custom virtual workshops, the Career Transition program or just to connect, you can reach me at [email protected]