Month: February 2022

Are you an Inspirational Leader?

Are you an Inspirational Leader?

Emotional Intelligence is a deep, rich topic. One of the components of EI is inspirational leadership. This competency is especially important today as so many professionals are disenfranchised about work. Many managers I coach are feeling warn down by their team members who are underperforming and don’t seem to care about the quality of their work.

Or do they? As managers, it is our job to hire well. That is the first step. Then, we need to figure out, for each of our team members, what they need from us to help them succeed. One client managed a woman who went to him frequently with problems and no solutions. It drove him crazy. Time and time again he asked her to bring solutions. She didn’t. After we dug deeper into the situation, he realized that she did not have the skills. He needed to teach her, create a safe space for her to fail and inspire her to grow. As a leader, how effective are you at inspiring others?


hen people are financially invested, they want a return. When people are emotionally invested, they want to contribute.

Simon Sinek

Worth the Share

With all of the change that has occurred over the last couple of years, many of us are exhausted. Employee burnout is real, some professionals are distracted and others are disenchanted with their jobs or professions. This article from Gallup caught my attention because it provides clear, simple areas of focus for managers. As managers, there is a lot that we can do to make a difference with our team members. 7 People Management Skills You Need to Succeed This Year highlighted these areas:

  1. Build relationships – create alliances, take the time to get to know others even in this virtual world, build trust
  2. Develop people – help them to grow professionally and remain engaged at work
  3. Lead change – lean into the the future and how you will get there as a team
  4. Inspire others – encourage others through vision, positivity, and an environment of what can be
  5. Think critically – listen, evaluate, challenge and make smart, collaborative decisions
  6. Communicate clearly – be an effective, concise communicator, make sure you are heard
  7. Create accountability – have an engaged team with shared ownership and clear goals

Make one or two topics each quarter and further develop your leadership skills to create a workplace that is thriving – even during these crazy Covid days. Read on to learn more.

And Finally...

Another of the twelve components of Emotional Intelligence as outlined by Daniel Goleman is positivity. I’ve written about this before. When I first saw it listed, it took me by surprise. Positivity, really? Well, during these days when bad news seems to be everywhere, positivity matters!

In the article above, Gallup incorporated positivity as a component of inspiring others, and while I agree with that, I do think that positivity should stand on its own. Being positive matters. Who wants to work for someone who is negative all the time? It’s depressing.

For those of you who know me, you won’t be surprised that Positivity is one of my top five Gallup Strengths. What are your top five strengths? Reach out if you’d like to explore your strengths in greater depth.

Have an inspiring week.
Mary Jo

To learn more about my 1:1 executive, communication or business growth coaching, custom virtual workshops, the Career Transition program or just to connect, you can reach me at [email protected]

Do you have them?

Do you have them?

Boundaries. I am hearing that word a lot lately. My clients want boundaries. According to Webster’s Dictionary, a boundary is: “something that indicates or fixes a limit or extent.”

With remote work, many of us have lost our boundaries – have lost that “fixed limit”. The commute to and from work used to be a buffer that separated work and home, and now it is gone. Technology blurs boundaries all the time, we can be reached anytime, anywhere.

How are your boundaries? Is your work blending into and possibly negatively impacting your home life?

When coaching clients, we talk about various tactics to honor boundaries, such as:

  • communicate your expectations clearly about what you can and can’t do
  • delegate to others, learn to let go a bit
  • prioritize yourself, your health and what matters to you
  • set limits, such as not taking any calls after 6PM, maybe with one exception per week
  • practice saying no graciously “I have 5 projects right now, I can start that one on March 1st.”

What works for you?


Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves even when we risk disappointing others.

Brene Brown, researcher and author

Worth the Share

After living with the impact of Covid for almost two years, many professionals have re-evaluated their relationship with work. The Great Resignation is real. As you probably heard, 4.5 million people walked off the job in November, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a record high.

This article from Thrive is especially interesting because it digs into the numbers and talks about the reset that is happening with a lot of professionals. “According to a recent global survey by Future Forum, 76% of workers want more flexibility about where they work, and 93% want greater flexibility on when they work.

But it’s not flexibility for its own sake — behind the desire for flexibility is a desire to recalibrate our relationship between our  lives and our work. That’s what’s at the heart of the Great Re-valuation. People want their lives to come first.

The article’s title makes a bold statement: Now Is the Time for  “Life-Work Integration”: Going from work-life balance to work- life integration to life-work integration.

Are you ready to make a shift from striving for work-life balance to begin focusing on life-work integration?

And Finally...
If you are feeling radical, and want to read something that will help you reframe your approach to time, and maybe even positively impact burnout, read Effortless: Make It Easy to Do What Matters, by Greg McKeown.

According to the summary, the book teaches you to:
  • Turn tedious tasks into enjoyable rituals
  • Prevent frustration by solving problems before they arise
  • Set a sustainable pace instead of powering through
  • Make one-time choices that eliminate many future decisions
  • Simplify your processes by removing unnecessary steps
  • Make relationships easier to maintain and manage
  • And much more

Personally, I love Greg’s concept of setting a sustainable pace as it allows me to be more fully present. Oddly, I also get more accomplished.

Have a great, boundary-setting week,
Mary Jo

To learn more about my 1:1 executive, communication or business growth coaching, custom virtual workshops, the Career Transition program or just to connect, you can reach me at [email protected]