Month: January 2022

What is your word?

What is your word?

Since last month, many of us started to talk about how we planned to make a shift in one way or another in the new year. A surprising number started to talk about a word that would be their mantra for 2022. One word that would inspire them, challenge them or drive them forward.

One of my client’s said her word is … “no”. She emphatically stated that she will say no to people and things that take her off course. She wants, and feels that she needs to set boundaries so that she can live a less stressful life.

Another client’s word? “Impact”. She is on a journey to make a larger impact in at her new job, as she leads a team and chooses to live a full life outside of her career.

And a dear friend and fellow Executive Coach said his word is “clarity”. He has a lot on his plate and said using the word “clarity” will help to push him forward.

Choosing the right word can bring you clarity too.


I like good strong words that mean something.

Louisa May Alcott (from “Little Women”)

Worth the Share

My clients aren’t the only ones thinking about using a word to set an intention for the year. Here is a list of 15 words from an article on the Thrive website. In scanning the list, here are my top three favorites and the reasons why…IMHO.

Gratitude – living with gratitude can make a tremendous impact on how you see you world, in a positive way. What are you grateful for today?

Grace – one of my favorite words. We beat ourselves up way too much, and are too hard on ourselves. Can you give yourself some grace?

Discipline – often easier said than done. When we are disciplined, taking it one step at a time, it is very empowering. What can you be more disciplined about?

Read on to find other words that might inspire you.

And Finally...

Okay, you knew I was going to ask. What is your word or phrase for 2022?

What intention do you want to set for the year ahead? Speaking of intention, my word last year was “intentional”, and it served me well throughout the year.

This year, my word is “joy” and I’m pretty pumped up about it. The world is in a really difficult place on so many levels. I’m going to face it with joy.

What about you? What is your word?

Wishing you and yours a playful creative year,

Mary Jo

To learn more about my 1:1 executive, communication or business growth coaching, custom virtual workshops, the Career Transition program or just to connect, you can reach me at [email protected]

Do you tap into your creativity?

Do you tap into your creativity?

Happy New Year! I hope you were able to take a break for a few days, and return to work refreshed and recharged.

Before the holiday break, I facilitated a discussion with a senior leader who was speaking about the key traits that make him a successful leader. Beyond being a good listener, taking risks, and building relationships, he spoke about the importance of being creative.

Creativity enables us to make connections where others may not see them, maybe looking at the “white space” to see what’s not there yet. As a leader, encouraging creativity in yourself and your team is critical for business growth. Take time to allow creativity to flourish, lean into collaboration, give yourself and your team permission to fail.

All of us have the ability to be creative, encourage it in yourself and others.


If you want creative workers, give them enough time to play.

John Cleese

Worth the Share

Having a sense of wonder, being open to the world, spurs creativity.

In his new book, Tracking Wonder: Reclaiming a Life of Meaning and Possibility in a World Obsessed with Productivity, Jeff Davis challenges conventional thinking.

Here are Jeff’s five highlights from his book.

  1. Wonder is multifaceted: openness and curiosity, bewilderment and hope, connection and admiration
  2. Wonder is not kid’s stuff, it’s radical grown-up stuff: choose wonder to reclaim your childhood spirit
  3. Follow your curiosities instead of your passion: find fulfillment by exploring something that may even be a bit quirky
  4. Fertilize instead of flee from confusion: a sense of wonder can help us see things beyond our habitual patterns
  5. Open up, instead of size up, other people: “wonder is the quiet disrupter of unseen biases … momentarily dissolving our habitual patterns of seeing and thinking”

You can read more detail on Jeff’s 5 highlights here or pick up a copy of his book to really dig into the transforming concept of wonder.

To learn more about the power of music, read Why Music Is The Essential Ingredient.

And Finally...

Adults who take the time to play, reap the benefits of being more creative, they are healthier and happier, and more productive. Hanging out with little people is a great way to get adults to play. Crawl on the floor, build a sand castle, or play hide and seek.

To learn more about play at work, here is a TED talk for 2008, Tim Brown Tales of Creativity and Play.

Wishing you and yours a playful creative year,

Mary Jo

To learn more about my 1:1 executive, communication or business growth coaching, custom virtual workshops, the Career Transition program or just to connect, you can reach me at [email protected]