And So It Begins, Again...

The new year has begun. Covid vaccines are being distributed and we are all settling in to the reality that 2021 will feel a lot like 2020, especially for the next few months as cases continue to be high. That said, I remain an optimist because I’ve seen resilience in so many of my clients. They realize that there are many things they can control and they are working hard to become better communicators, better leaders and better prepared to handle the inevitable challenges that face all of us. When we continue to grow and make positive shifts in ourselves, we feel good. With January half over already, what gifts are you giving yourself? What new habit have you started, what have you chosen to do to make your life and the lives of those around you better?

“Happiness is not something ready made. ​It comes from your own actions.”

Dalai Lama

Worth the Share
“50% of a person’s happiness level is genetically influenced”, according to Gretchen Rubin, author of the Happiness Project. That surprised me. I found this article from Fast Company interesting because in addition to genetics and things like health, education, and marital status, the choices we make each and every day influence our happiness. The surprise is that research shows in 2021 we are now as happy or happier than we were at this same time in 2020. How can that be? Apparently, 75% of those surveyed are feeling the same or better when compared to the same time last year and 79% have a stronger sense of purpose. Maybe this is a Covid silver lining? We’ve slowed down a bit and taken stock of what really matters. Read on to learn more.
And Finally...

One of the other areas I talk with clients about it is to acknowledge that it is okay not to feel okay. Give yourself and others permission to be exhausted by these trying times. Give yourself a break. Curl up with a good book, take a nap, have a bowl of ice cream. It’s okay to visit that space where we let our sadness show – just don’t live there.


When I was managing national sales teams, I used to tell team members to imagine stepping into a Yellow Box when they wanted to complain, whine, moan or morn something. The thing is, you can’t live in the Yellow Box, but you can visit it for a few minutes then make the choice to get out of the Yellow Box and on with your life.

Have a good week,

Mary Jo

To learn more about my 1:1 executive, communication or business growth coaching, custom virtual workshops, the Career Transition program or just to connect, you can reach me at [email protected]