I Keep Hearing the Word OUTLOOK.

During this challenging time of Covid-19, I keep hearing the word OUTLOOK. Our mental attitude or how we look towards the future colors the lens through which we see everything. At times likes these, it can be very dark indeed. Is that useful? How can we reframe our outlook so that it better serves us? Actively practicing gratitude could be a good place to start.

Be safe,

Mary Jo


“Happiness is not the absence of problems but the ability to deal with them.”


Worth the Share

What most struck me about this article from McKinsey & Company is how far management has evolved to incorporate gratitude, belonging, compassion: “Leaders are uniquely positioned to serve as influential role models for compassionate acts and demonstrating care for people’s basic needs.”

And Finally...

One of the upsides of sheltering in place is group Zoom calls. As an alumni of Columbia’s executive coaching program, I’ve been on the call with other Columbia coaches from around the globe. The other day we talked about the Comfort Zone work from A. White in 2008, reimagined for Covid 19 by Dr. A. Valijevac. Today, many of us are stuck in the Fear Zone…how can you draw yourself out to the Growth Zone.

If you want to learn more about my 1:1 executive or communication coaching, custom workshops, Career Transition Course… or just want to connect about what I’ve shared in this email, you can reach me at [email protected]