Let’s talk sales

For those of you that know my story, you know that I led national sales teams for almost 20 years, and before that, I sold food to restaurants then advertising space for various media companies.

Recently, I have had the pleasure of coaching two different clients in the world of sales. For the first, I ran a workshop on sales do’s and don’ts for a global manufacturing company. It was so fun! The key insight from participants? We all pick up bad habits and having a “refresher course” is worthwhile, even for senior sellers. Keep learning.

My second client is the CEO of a tech start-up who is building out a sales team. He is open to learning and curious about what he does not know, including the fact that sales people think differently. Let’s be honest, sales people are different. Appreciate that, respect it, and appreciate the value they bring to the organization. We all play a role in the company’s success, and for most (if not all) companies, sellers are critical.


Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.

Zig Ziglar

Worth the Share

This is the article I sent to my client. It is a bit dated (from 2012) but quite interesting. If you are not in sales or sales leadership, why should you care? Because it is about leadership.

Sales leaders:

  1. Lead with metrics: think about the pipeline and leading indicators in the sales process, not just closed deals
  2. Coach and develop talent: focus on further developing even top talent. Coaching is a powerful skill that makes an impact with sellers
  3. Provide strategic guidance: sales leaders are critical when it comes to bringing the big picture strategy to life, and helping sellers embrace and own that strategy
  4. Keep the focus on value creation: this is critical so that sellers believe in the value they create for their clients by helping to solve their client’s business challenges, thereby creating value for their own company as well

If you would like to learn more, read on.

And Finally...

Being a seller is not for everyone. You need to be prepared to handle rejection, live with a ton of stress, deliver on a “number” that you did not choose and navigate all the many demands of being a sales person. Yes, it can be challenging but it is also a great profession, especially when you are in good organization where they appreciate what sales people deliver.

Let’s be frank, without sales, most companies would not exist! If you are a seller, stand a little taller today. If you work with sales people, give them your thanks. They keep the lights on!

Oh, and if you are curious about my vacation? It was AWESOME. My advice, take a break, disconnect and enjoy your family and friends. Life is short. Enjoy!

Happy Summer,
Mary Jo
To learn more about my 1:1 executive, communication or business growth coaching, custom virtual workshops, the Career Transition program or just to connect, you can reach me at [email protected]