SOAR - Strengths, Outlook, Attitude, and Resilience

These sure are interesting times. We are all facing a myriad of challenges, and
making decisions that will affect our personal and professional lives.

So today – and every other week moving forward – I will share a few thoughts to help you SOAR: Discover your Strengths, transform your Outlook, maintain a positive Attitude and build Resilience.

Be safe,

Mary Jo


“If people are doubting how far you can go, go so far that you can’t hear them anymore.”

Michelle Ruiz

Worth the Share

This article from Forbes about the value of humor for leaders is worth the read.
Key Point: “Humor reminds us that we can’t take life too seriously”.

And Finally...
Recently I participated in a small group session with Dr. Richard Boyatzis – noted author, distinguished professor and quite a character. There were many golden nuggets, but my favorite was: “Build better relationships and we can help people change.” Let’s do that!
If you want to learn more about my 1:1 executive or communication coaching, custom workshops, Career Transition Course… or just want to connect about what I’ve shared in this email, you can reach me at [email protected]