What has not changed?

Two weeks ago I wrote about some changes to the job market. Yes, some things have changed but much has not.

It is still the candidate’s job to convince the hiring manager that they really WANT the job, that they are serious and committed to joining the team. One of my very senior clients was being aggressively recruited for a big job, and she did not think (because she was being recruited) that she needed to send thank you emails reiterating her qualifications and interest in the job after meeting several people at the firm, including the chairman of the board! Follow-up matters.

And it is management’s job to on-board employees in an intentional way. Another client had a new employee all lined up and ready to go. The Friday before her Monday start date, she sent an email saying she was taking another job. My client was blown away! Another thing that has not changed is that companies need to balance between getting new employees excited about their company/job AND helping them appreciate the commitment they are making to the company if they join. Understanding the “why” matters.


You can’t just sit there and wait for people to give you that golden dream. You’ve got to get out there and make it happen for yourself.

Diana Ross, singer and actress

Worth the Share

When I was a hiring manager, I made it known that I would not put forth a counteroffer if someone on my team came to me with another job offer. They would say something like: “I’m not looking, but I did get a good offer from X and they are _______ (paying more money, giving me a bigger title etc.). I really want to stay here though, how can we make that work?”

IMHO, if they had the offer in hand, they were as good as gone. Since the employee had spent their time and energy talking with another company and had an offer – go!

This article from HBR is more nuanced than my inflexible approach, and gives food for thought. These days, with millions of people resigning from jobs, being more nuanced has value. The author makes three key points:

  1. A counteroffer may not address underlying issues
  2. A counteroffer may sow doubts in your leadership style
  3. A counteroffer may negatively affect team morale

The article, written by Mita Mallick wraps up with these thoughts: “Remember that during the Great Resignation, talent will continue to reassess their employment opportunities. The counteroffer isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution to stopping good employees from leaving your organization. If people are ready to move on, sometimes the best decision may be just to wish them well in their next opportunity.”

Read on to learn more.

And Finally...

Focusing on creating a great place to work is the most effective and efficient way to manage talent. Some employees will stay for years and others will move on, that is okay. Put effort into understanding what matters to your team members. They are all individuals, treat them as such.

Help them understand the company’s “why” 
and their own “why”, provide learning and development opportunities, listen to their ideas, coach them to help them grow and remember to have fun. Laughter matters!

Have a great couple of weeks,
Mary Jo
To learn more about my 1:1 executive, communication or business growth coaching, custom virtual workshops, the Career Transition program or just to connect, you can reach me at [email protected]