What is your purpose today?

One of the things I love about my role as an Executive Coach is that I coach a variety of professionals – senior leaders, entrepreneurs, C-Suite execs, mid-level managers, and even a few people under 25. “Variety is the spice of life”, or so I have heard. As a result, I feel very plugged into what professionals are experiencing right now.

These days, as the Covid pandemic shifts to this new phase of being endemic, many of us realize that along with all of this change, we as individuals have changed. One of my clients no longer has tolerance for an unhealthy work environment, another cherishes her time working remotely and no longer commuting, and still another is re-evaluating how far up the corporate ladder she wants to climb, or maybe she wants to stop climbing all together. For some, money no longer is the end goal but having a life worth living is.

What does this mean for each of us individually, for our families and for our  companies who are trying to hire people like us?


In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity..

Albert Einstein

Worth the Share

This short article from HBR tackles the topic of how the pandemic has changed us all, and the importance of redefining our purpose. It is well worth reading.

John Coleman, the author, highlights four areas to think about as we reset our lives post Covid:

  1. Identify what is permanent: what are your major sources of purpose today?
  2. Reject stagnation: what in your life do you want to reinvent?
  3. Learn to let go: move forward, don’t just run from your current situation.
  4. Embrace others: we all lived through this pandemic, reach out to others.

If you are struggling as we move through this period, reach out to friends, family, or professionals to keep growing and living your best life.

And Finally...

“Being intentional” is one of my favorite phrases. It gives us a chance to take a breath, think about what is the best thing to do in the moment, and ponder what matters.

When coaching a new client this afternoon about leadership, he was singularly focused on telling his team what to do, making sure everything was done exactly the way he wanted it done. Well guess what? That type of leadership style does not work for everyone.

When my client took a step back and thought about what he could do differently, being intentional moved to the top of the list. What he says, the words he uses, how he guides his team and why it helps to understand what motivates his team members are all things to consider. Be intentional.

Have a great couple of weeks,
Mary Jo

To learn more about my 1:1 executive, communication or business growth coaching, custom virtual workshops, the Career Transition program or just to connect, you can reach me at [email protected]